Men's Fitness Tank Top Guide

Men's Fitness Tank Top Guide


There are three common designs for men's fitness tank top , with different back and shoulder strap widths. Hc activewear will take you to find out and help you create your tank top.

Men's Fitness Tank Top Guide
Men's Fitness Tank Top Guide
mens gymwear supplier

There are three common styles of men's fitness tank. The difference lies in the width of the back and shoulder straps. Want to learn more? hcactivewear takes you to explore and help you create your tank top.


1.String Tank Top

The shoulder design of the String tank top is very narrow, so that a larger shoulder and upper body area are exposed, providing more free range of movement, which is conducive to intense fitness exercises. But it requires complicated sewing to prevent them from rolling up like spaghetti, and the extra labor makes them slightly more expensive to manufacture.


2.Racerback Tank Top

Racerback tank top is also called T-back tank top. The shoulder strap is slightly wider than string tank top and is specially designed to bear. It means that the wearer's shoulder blades are exposed, and the two shoulder straps are presented in a T shape, allowing you to brag about the back muscles you have been working hard to achieve.


3. Muscle Tank Top

The muscle tank top looks like a T-shirt, but without sleeves. It is specially designed for hard-core workouts, allowing you to feel comfortable throughout the process.


Do you want to know more about tank top customization? Looking for a manufacturer of stylish men's activewear ? Get in touch with Hc activewear, it can show you the latest trends and innovative designs of men's create custom tank top .



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